Can Transformers Reason About Effects of Actions?

Published in arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.09938, 2020

Recommended citation: @article{banerjee2020can, title={Can Transformers Reason About Effects of Actions?}, author={Banerjee, Pratyay and Baral, Chitta and Luo, Man and Mitra, Arindam and Pal, Kuntal and Son, Tran C and Varshney, Neeraj}, journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.09938}, year={2020} }



A recent work has shown that transformers are able to “reason” with facts and rules in a limited setting where the rules are natural language expressions of conjunctions of conditions implying a conclusion. Since this suggests that transformers may be used for reasoning with knowledge given in natural language, we do a rigorous evaluation of this with respect to a common form of knowledge and its corresponding reasoning – the reasoning about effects of actions. Reasoning about action and change has been a top focus in the knowledge representation subfield of AI from the early days of AI and more recently it has been a highlight aspect in common sense question answering. We consider four action domains (Blocks World, Logistics, Dock-Worker-Robots and a Generic Domain) in natural language and create QA datasets that involve reasoning about the effects of actions in these domains. We investigate the ability of transformers to (a) learn to reason in these domains and (b) transfer that learning from the generic domains to the other domains.A recent work has shown that transformers are able to “reason” with facts and rules in a limited setting where the rules are natural language expressions of conjunctions of conditions implying a conclusion. Since this suggests that transformers may be used for reasoning with knowledge given in natural language, we do a rigorous evaluation of this with respect to a common form of knowledge and its corresponding reasoning – the reasoning about effects of actions. Reasoning about action and change has been a top focus in the knowledge representation subfield of AI from the early days of AI and more recently it has been a highlight aspect in common sense question answering. We consider four action domains (Blocks World, Logistics, Dock-Worker-Robots and a Generic Domain) in natural language and create QA datasets that involve reasoning about the effects of actions in these domains. We investigate the ability of transformers to (a) learn to reason in these domains and (b) transfer that learning from the generic domains to the other domains.